February 1


Productivity and Freelance Work

By Emory Oakley

February 1, 2023

If you Google freelance work and productivity, you will find many articles focused on boosting productivity. While these articles can provide freelance workers with helpful tips for creating task lists, setting a schedule, effectively using, etc. I want to discuss the problems associated with hustle culture and how toxic a productivity mindset can be. 

What is Toxic Productivity? And Why is it Prevalent in Freelance work?

Toxic productivity is an unhealthy mindset focused on productivity that often leads to overworking. A person will often feel the need to work constantly and doesn’t allow themselves downtown, which can lead to challenges resting even when necessary. 

Freelance work appeals to many people because it allows them more control and flexibility in their work, setting their schedule and work hours, work location, and the types of projects they take on. At the same time, freelance work often creates an environment where productivity becomes the focus. Often, rather than being paid hourly, freelancers are paid based on the completion of a project. Freelancers also generally have several projects on the go that have different expectations, workloads and deadlines; therefore, there are times when there is a never-ending list of tasks to complete. Or at least it feels that way. 

My Experience with Productivity 

I am the kind of person who always wants to be better and ‘do more’. I regularly set big goals for myself and easily forget to reward myself for my accomplishments. And I have difficulty saying no, which often leads me to take on new projects without a plan for how I will complete the work. Of course, my perfectionism doesn’t allow me to miss deadlines, so I sometimes work longer days or over the weekends to get projects done. 

My two biggest struggles with productivity are: 1) feeling overwhelmed with all the things that need to get done, so I complete nothing, and 2) not being about to take downtime because I am concerned with completing things on my to-do list. 

Manage Stress as a Freelance Writer

How to Overcome Toxic Productivity

A previous article I wrote on how to manage stress as a freelance writer has some great tips that can also help here, but here are some specific tips to get out of that toxic productivity mindset. 

Set Boundaries 

When it comes to freelance work, especially for those who work from home, it is crucial to set boundaries between work time and personal time to ensure you’re not always in work mode. There are two primary ways to set boundaries with your physical space and time. 

  1. Create a work schedule that separates work time from personal hours. 
  2. During work hours, use a dedicated space that makes it easy to transition into a work mindset and allows you to take breaks in a separate area. 

Other healthy boundaries, such as boundaries with others you work with, are also important. As a freelance writer, setting boundaries around changing deadlines or rounds of edits can help ensure you aren’t working longer than necessary hours, rushing to complete projects, or doing more work than was initially agreed upon. 

Prioritize Important Tasks

When receiving communication from numerous clients, it’s easy to feel like all the tasks on your to-do list are important as well as urgent, and that’s just not true. Feeling like everything is urgent means, you’ll often feel like you’re rushing from fire to fire. This is likely a focus on what’s important or a priority to someone else but not necessarily to do. 

Before tackling your to-do list, take time to categorize your tasks based on importance and urgency – the Eisenhower matrix is a great way to approach this. 

Start with the tasks that are both urgent and important but ensure to make time for tasks that are important to you. 

Professional Detachment

It’s easy for freelance work to become part of your identity, especially if you are engaged in regular networking or advertising through social media. That said, you can be productive and committed to your work without having it consume your entire life or dictate your sense of self-worth. 

Remember that your career isn’t your entire life.

Take Breaks & Schedule Time to Do Nothing

When you have a long to-do list, jumping from one task to another is easy. Need help with something from one project? You may be inclined to take a break by jumping into another project because there is always something to be done. With this mindset, you are on the short road to burnout. 

Ensure to take breaks throughout your day to get up from your workstation and nourish your body with food and movement – schedule this time into your calendar if you need to. 

Additionally, schedule time to do nothing to help your brain to break free of the productivity mindset. Take time away to do something just for the sake of doing it. If you can, unplug at the same time. Try to get outside and go for a walk to observe nature without bringing your phone with you (or at least putting it on do not disturb mode). 

Building healthy work habits can make all the difference when it comes to overcoming toxic productivity and avoiding burnout. 

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