Coming out is a scary thing, and it seems as though for many of us coming out to our families is the scariest. We are told our family is supposed to love us unconditionally but worry that being queer is going to change that.  Before I talk about managing the reaction of our family members

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They say we can still experience grief when a celebrity dies because in many ways they are connected to our lives. In many cases, they’ve had a profound impact on our life regardless of whether or not we ever actually met them (most of the time we haven’t). So, I don’t know why I am

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“I am all about getting cheap candy the day after Valentine’s Day“ As a queer person, I have an interesting relationship with Valentine’s Day. The Learning Process “You aren’t supposed to do anything for Valentine’s Day, it’s your boyfriends’ job to buy you flowers and take you out for dinner!” This was the first piece

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Body positivity is a movement that was started by fat black women and femmes who fought back against unrealistic beauty standards. It has grown so much over the years, particularly with social media and has impacted the lives of millions of people. As a thin, white person I never felt connected to the movement because

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When you come out yourself as transgender, or have simply decided to explore your gender identity, it can be really exciting time but it can also be scary. There are so many unknowns when it comes to exploring gender expression and gender identity as well as some potential fear of how people in our lives

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Are you the type of person to normally set new year’s resolutions? If you are, now is probably the time you’re starting to think about the new year and the upcoming changes you want to make in your life. But this year, as a result of the pandemic, our lives look different than they may

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When you think of self-care, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most of us, it is likely some sort of activity we would consider to be pampering, such as having a bubble bath or an at-home spa day with face masks and wine. Considering these are the images most of us conjure

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Poetry feels like home.  That one oversized sweater I can never throw out. Too warm draped around my shoulders to let go of. It has seen so many versions of me. Held me through deaths and breakups. Helped me find myself. Toughed me up enough to play with the big boys but always reminds me

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